Howell Hall

Courtesy of The North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
From the Fall of 1960 until 1999, when it moved to Carroll Hall, UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Journalism was located in Howell Hall, which meant NCSMA was, too. During the summer Institute, sessions were held in Howell. Some sessions offered during this time were feature writing, yearbook special effects, libel and ethics and “the literary magazine concept.”
Today, NCSMA continues to celebrate and to champion student journalists and scholastic journalism through its many programs, including mountains to coast fall regional workshops, the N.C. Scholastic Media Institute, statewide media contests, the N.C. Journalism Educator (Graduate) Fellowship Program, Carolina Sports Journalism Camp, the N.C. College Media Association and more. It is based in the UNC School of Media and Journalism.